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tv   KTVU 6 O Clock News  FOX  January 16, 2013 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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complete bay area news coverage starts right now, this is ktvu channel 2 news at 6:00 p.m. >> this is our first task as a society. keeping our children safe. >> president obama calls on americans and congress to back sweeping new changes to national gun control laws set in motion by the sandy hook elementary school massacre. i am julie haener. >> and i am frank somerville. >> president obama signed 23 executive orders that he says will reduce gun violence in america. [ cheers and applause ] >> the president surrounded himself with children who wrote him letters about guns
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following the massacre in connecticut. one wrote there should be a limit on how many guns a person can own. >> letting schools use federal funding to improve school safety, by hiring more security. appoint a director of, reinstate a ban on assault weapons, limit high capacity magazines and create a background check system for all gun sales. >> i believe most gun owners agree we can respect the second amendment while keeping few from inflicting massive harm. ktvu's noelle walker has more. >> reporter: several of the orders revolve around providing
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mental health care and reporting mentally ill patients. a judge declared one goh unfit to stand trial. his attorney said his client was a schizophrenic with a mental condition for a decade. that didn't prevent him from legally purchasing a gun. today president obama signed an executive order that included measures to limit gun access for mentally ill patients. >> we will make sure they know their options for reporting threats of violence. even though someone is more likely to be a victim than a perpetrator. >> reporter: making sure doctors know they can ask patients about guns in their homes, and telling healthcare providers they could report threats of violence. >> in california it doesn't
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change very much. >> reporter: he says california already requires therapists to break doctor-patient confidentiality if there is a threat. >> reporter: [ inaudible question ] >> it is. it is. it can be. >> reporter: right now california doesn't allow anyone to buy a gun if they have been placed on a mental health treatment hold or if the person is a dangerous to self or others. till the orders are more defined it is unclear if they will change anything in california. noelle walker, ktvu channel 2 news. democrats took up the gun control cause with a hearing in washington. >> our president, as we continue to mourning with the families of newtown, connecticut told us the time for action is now. >> congresswoman nancy pelosi
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and other lawmakers heard from a panel. she wiped away tears as she spoke about the ordeal at sandy hook elementary school and the bravery of the slain teachers and students. she read a letter urging congress to pass a ban on assault weapons. the head of the nra said he disagrees on some of the proposals such as restrictions on high capacity magazines. >> somebody needs 80, 90s -- [ talking at the same time ] >> if they are at the range, shooting in the competitions they do. i don't need one, you don't but we are not everybody. >> he says he wants to see more security at schools. also supports putting violent mentally people on a database. ktvu viewers have been weighing in. she says such a good message from the president. lets put it into action.
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he says these laws is fine, however they aren't going to make the crazy people less crazy. you can join the conversation if you like, visit our facebook wall and tell us what you think about the proposal. just "like" ktvu channel 2. police are hoping a sketch will help them catch a man who tried to grab a girl from her mother's arms. ktvu's robert handa is live where he spoke to the mother today. >> reporter: we are at police headquarters where the mother has been inside working with detectives to put together a sketch that we are about to show you and you will hear from the mother. >> reporter: the woman says she ended up in a tug of war with a man trying to take her daughter away from her in front of their home in san jose.
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>> reporter: what did happen? >> just a man was walking across the street, i was playing with my daughters. he was commenting about how beautiful they were. >> reporter: she was able to give a description to police but has no idea of the suspect's identity. >> he grabbed my daughter by her feet. her bottoms were falling out and then her boots fell off. that is when it ended. >> the mother did the right thing, held on for life. and was able to finally pull her child to safety and call the police. >> reporter: the suspect is a male adult in his 20s, blue genes and a light colored shirt and smelling like automatic oil. >> he didn't look like he shaved in a couple days.
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looked dirty like put together. >> reporter: at one time this morning police said the daughter who was targeted was two years old but the mother says she is three years old and the mother says she hopes the sketch leads to more tips from the public. robert handa, ktvu channel 2 news. police arrested a man who attempted a rape two women. he was arrested on january 6 after police responded to reports of a man attacking a woman. officers found him holding a woman down and threateninger her with a screwdriver. he -- threatening her wascrewdriver. -- with a screwdriver. he is facing a number of charges now. man pleaded not guilty to charges he kidnapped and raped a girl in november. gary steven atkinson is accused of assaulting the autistic girl after she walked away from a
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group home. she was missing for three days. police say the girl has the mental capacity of a 9-year-old girl. the fbi says agents raided an office today in the east bay. the agents were carrying out search warrants. the fbi wouldn't release details on the target of the raid. there are reports 10 agents took part and removed computers and other items. a group of boat owners ignored a midnight deadline to leave the marina. most of the tenants left, 20 boat owners remained docked this afternoon. an owner we talked to said many are planning to leave. >> they are planning to leave as soon as they are functioning. >> developers want to build an
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apartment complex with private boat slips. owners say they have an appeal scheduled. after a three year hiatus mavericks big wave surf contest is on. ktvu's christian christien kafton is live where organize -- christien kafton is live where the organizers met today. >> reporter: they announced the competition was a go. in year's past, spectators have been able to walk up to the water to watch but this year they will watch on a big screen or on the internet. >> reporter: although the waves were small today mavericks big wave surf contest is on for sunday. >> 100% a go. >> reporter: he says the weather is cooperating to create the perfect conditions for 30-ot waves.
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>> the most promising weather we have seen in two years is happening this week. the biggest swell we have seen in two years. >> reporter: the mavericks big wave surf contest was last teld in 2010 -- held in 2010s. big waves injured several people. this year the crowds will be kept off the beach and off the bluff. >> they said no more people on the point. we will close off the point. gave us an opportunity to put a festival together. >> reporter: the management says the team is already working to convert this parking lot into a big wave watchers dream. >> it will be filled with concession stands, we will have jumbo trons. >> reporter: he tells me he thinks it is a good idea to
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keep people back. the waves could get big and it could be dangerous. >> reporter: christien kafton, ktvu channel 2 news. >> as we watched pass years, conditions have to be just right for the competition. our chief meteorologist bill martin joins us now. >> doesn't happen that often that it comes together for the mavericks big wave surf contest. hasn't happened in a few years because it is not often you get great weather, swell and tied. and that is what is going to happen on sunday. sunday swells will be coming out of the west. that is the perfect direction. that is when the waves will be the biggest. we could see waves 40-foot, 35- foot. it will be big. it could be as big as it was three years ago. swells right now, they are small, right? 3-foot, 4-foot. i tell you what, when you get a
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big swell like this, this swell is still hundreds -- thousands of miles out in the pacific. let's look at it. this is all the way by japan. 4,000 miles away. we have hurricane force winds, the swell will be propagating right here. see all this open ocean it gets to cross? it will clean up, the swell will become organized and could be one of the best swells they have seen in years. creating a storm, creating waves thons of mile -- thousands of miles from here. they will get here saturday. high surf advisory. if you are going to ocean beach, dangerous. sharp park, dangerous. pacifica, waves very large. when i come back, we will walk about the waves and the warm
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up. the waves will be big and the weather will be warm. see you back here. the faa ordered all of boeing 787 dreamliners grounded till they are sure it is safe. this morning a 787 had to make an emergency landing in japan due to battery problems. it is the latest in a string of problems, including a fire and a few leak. three new digits taking over part of the 415 area cold. we reveal who could be forced to make the switch. >> the latest dispute surrounding the teen charged with stealing a car. >> coming up after the break, a child with special needs attacked by his teacher. the price the school district
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is paying three years layer.
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. the wife of san jose's first homicide victim is asking for the public's help to bring the killer to justice. surrounded by family and police she spoke this morning about her family's grief. >> it is very hard for me because i have a daughter, five- year-old, and she is asking for him and i don't have answers for her. >> he was shot in front of their home on january 6. police didn't release new information but they don't believe it was gang related. >> lawyers for the man charged with stealing a lamborghini
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says he can't get a fair trial. his defense team says the media cover of the stolen lamborghini threatens to poisethen jury -- poison the jury. the lamborghini belonged to guy fieri. the school district will pay to settle an abuse. a teacher attacked a boy who has special needs, kicking him and cursing. the district will pay $950,000 over that episode. the teacher pleaded no contest to misdemeanor child abuse. change is coming to the 405 area cold. which part of it? ktvu's rob roth is live in san francisco where a debate is
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underway. rob? >> reporter: the details still need ironing out but it appear as new area cold is coming to san francisco. >> operator. >> reporter: the dispatch center in san francisco gets hundreds of calls each day so the possibilities of having to change an area cold is not a popular one. >> no. no. i am scared. >> the california public utilities commission began holding meetings about adding a new area cold, a change that would effect san francisco. the problem says the california public utilities commission says all available prefixes will be used up in 2-1/2 years. >> when we run out we have to assign another area cold so we will have more prefixes. >> the california public utilities commission says there are two ways, one possibilities would be splitting san francisco in half, the east
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side and west side and marine the other. the owner would prefer to keep the current number. >> cause people to change printing on all their adds. >> customers have been calling us on the same phone number. >> the other option is called over lay, new numbers would be assigned a new area cold. >> every single customer that has a 405 number will have to dial the line number. >> reporter: there will be a second meeting in san francisco and two tomorrow. a final decision could happen later this year. reporting live in san francisco, rob roth, ktvu channel 2 news. tesla motors brought its concept car to the detroit car show and started a war of words. they will open in china this
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spring and cadillac unveiled a luxury coop. a sales executive says the cadillac and the other electric cars are no competition to tesla's line up. nice looking day today. we will continue dry around here. we are staying dry for a bit. satellite image. big ridge of high pressure. dry off shore. no fog. nice conditions right now. mavericks big wave surf contest on sunday. swells reaching up to 20, 30, 40-foot into sunday morning. pillar point, south, high surf advisory long the coast. best waves right here, see how that faces west. when it comes in from the west,
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they are more dangerous, larger waves. we will watch that for you. another cold night on shore. looking for temperatures into the freezing level north bay and east bay. there will be frost and ice and there might be fog. 30 in santa rosa tomorrow morning. 30 in napa. 33 antioch. another cold morning. highs tomorrow, watch them warm up, greens are 60s. you got 60s popping up. that is warm. blues are 50s. into the weekend you will see some 60s on that map. high pressure sets up with warming tomorrow. low 60s in the north bay. a cold start with valley fog possible. forecast highs tomorrow. santa rosa, significant increase, 10 degrees over the last couple days. nice looking day.
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air quality, not horrible. refrain from wood burning. the five-day forecast with your bay area weekend in view, elevated temperatures towards the weekend. nice looking forward. we are in an extended dry pattern hereby. we haven't had rain in a while. five-day forecast is dry. and then dry into the following week as well. following five-day forecast. >> nice weather ahead. thank you. coming up on bay area news at 7:00 on tv 36 a makeover for one of san san francisco's most scenic roads. >> along side ocean beach the city of san francisco is starting a street scape project on the great highway, how it will impact the area and traffic. >> and findings that may make you concerned about sharing the road with unlicensed drivers. join us for these stories and more on bay area news at 7:00
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on tv 36. california gets its record card, what earned a "d" and "f" grade. look at you guys with your fancy-schmancy u-verse high speed internet. you know, in my day you couldn't just start streaming six ways to sunday. you'd get knocked off.
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and sometimes, it took a minute to download a song. that's sixty seconds, for crying out loud. we know how long a minute is! sitting, waiting for an album to download. i still have back problems. you're only 14 and a half. he doesn't have back problems. you kids have got it too good if you ask me. [ male announcer ] now u-verse high speed internet has more speed options, reliability and ways to connect. rethink possible.
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it appears california is making the great when it comes
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to protecting people from second hand osmoke but -- smoke but failing in other parts. california gets an "a" for an effort to curve second hand smoke but "f" in tobacco control spending and "d" for cigarette tax laws. joe is in for mark. 49ers. >> developing story, why not. the running of colin kaepernick is the major angle being talked about before the championship. there is another story line. crabtree's critics accused him of coming up small last season. 9 catches, 119 yards and a pair of touchdowns saturday.
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>> he is winning. that is what it comes down to. he has been getting open. you can't point one thing out, he is a complete receiver. knows what he is doing, knows how to work his routes. he is a workhearse. just wants to -- work horse. just wants to win. >> chip kelly took over the eagles head coaching job 10 days after he said he was staying at oregon. here is one that will make bay area football fans smile. mark tresman is the new coach of the chicago bears. he comes from the canadian football league. he was dumped as the 49ers offensive coordinator in 1996. >> warriors hosting the miami
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heat tonight, we will have that for you tonight at 10:00 p.m. >> thank you. more and more thieves are going after prescription drugs in pharmacies. coming up tonight at 10:00 p.m., the new high tech tool law enforcement is talking about using to crack down on the black market for pills. >> thank you for trusting ktvu channel 2 news. we are always here for you on and mobile ktvu. good night.
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